


Tuesday, 29 November


09:30 - 12:00


Introduction: Michael Fitch, BT


TBC "Ofcom perspective on the challenges for TVWS radio systems," Andrew Gowans, Ofcom


TBC "generic concept of a cooperative coexistence of PMSE with other white space devices," Uwe Beutnagel-Buchner, C/AGT


TBC "Introduction of WSD in the UHF band in Europe from a broadcaster's perspective," Roland Beutler, SWR


“Functional Architecture Overview for the Cognitive Management of Opportunistic Networks in the Context of Future Internet,” Klaus Moessner, UNIS


“Beyond unlicensed use of TV white spaces,” Paul Sutton, TCD-CTVR


“Dependable indoor-to-outdoor wireless technology in the TVWS for first responders' assistance,” Dominique Noguet, CEA


“Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing - An Innovative Cognitive Radio PHY Design,” Rohit Datta, TUD


“MAC layers for white space radio systems,” Richard MacKenzie, BT


Summary: Michael Fitch, BT

Afternoon Session details to be released shortly.

For further information email [email protected] or [email protected]






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