2021 Keynotes Please Note: All times are PST/EST
Day One: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Scott Patrick (NTIA)
30 November, 8:00/11:00 am Keynote: NTIA Vision of Spectrum Sharing
Scott Patrick helps lead NTIA’s work on spectrum policy issues as well as management of federal spectrum. NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management is responsible for frequency assignment and strategic planning functions, including development of approaches to spectrum sharing.Before joining NTIA, Scott was a telecom and technology attorney at the law firm of Baker Hostetler, counseling wireless, cable, broadcast, and broadband companies. Prior to that, he had been an attorney in the FCC’s Wireless Bureau. He has a master’s degree in electrical engineering, and his first job was at the Naval Research Lab where he helped develop fiber optic electromagnetic field sensors.
Ira Keltz (FCC OET) 30 November, 8:25/11:25 am Keynote: The FCC Vision for Spectrum Sharing

Mr. Keltz has totaled over 25 years at the FCC spanning two separate stints. In addition to positions in OET, he has held various positions in the Commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Mr. Keltz has also worked for the law firm DLA Piper as well as Loral Advanced Projects and LSA, Inc. He earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the George Washington University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Col. Andrew P. Martin (DoD CIO) 30 November, 8:50/11:50 am Keynote: Spectrum Scheduling System (S3)
Colonel Andrew P. Martin is currently serving as a Senior Analyst, Spectrum Policy & Programs Directorate, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington D.C. In this role, he provides leadership and strategic oversight in the implementation of Department of Defense polices for the management and use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Colonel Martin was commissioned in 1997 through Air Force R.O.T.C. at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln after graduating from Nebraska Wesleyan University, in Lincoln, Nebraska. He earned a Masters degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Nebraska – Omaha. He is a Senior Cyber Operations Officer who commanded at the squadron level, deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Qatar, and his staff assignments include Air Combat Command, Headquarters Air Force, and United States Transportation Command.
Day Two: Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Martha Suarez (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance) 1 December, 8:30/11:30 am Keynote
Dr. Martha Suarez is President of the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance and has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. She spent over three years as General Director of the National Spectrum Agency in Colombia, where she was responsible for promoting the efficient use of spectrum having originally joined the ANE in 2013. Suarez is an electronics engineer, with a master degree in high frequency communication systems and is Doctor in electronics.
Day Three: Thursday, 2 December 2021
John Chapin (National Science Foundation) 2 December, 11:00/2:00 pm Spectrum Projects at the NSF
Dr. Chapin serves as NSF program officer and advisor to NSF leadership on electromagnetic spectrum strategy, to assure that spectrum-dependent science is still vibrant 50 years from now. Sponsor research programs in spectrum management and sharing. Engage with federal mission agencies, the regulatory community, the commercial sector, and others.
Nick Laneman (University of Notre Dame) 2 December, 11:45/2:45 pm SpectrumX
Dr. Laneman is Founding Director and currently Co-Director of the Wireless Institute in the College of Engineering; Professor of Electrical Engineering, Faculty Affiliate of iNDustry Labs; and Fellow of the Pulte Institute for Global Development as well as the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values all at the University of Notre Dame. He joined the faculty in August 2002 shortly after earning a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research and teaching interests are in communications system engineering—blending information theory, signal processing for communications, as well as prototyping and experimental validation—with emphasis on wireless systems.
Laneman is a 2014 IEEE Fellow and received the 2018 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. In addition to three conference best paper awards, Laneman has received a 2006 Presidential Early-Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and a 2006 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. He has served as General Co-Chair of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, and a Guest Editor for Special Issues of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He was also the first Online Editor for the IEEE Information Theory Society and served on its Board of Governors.
Laneman is author or co-author on over 145 publications, including 46 journal articles and invited book chapters, and has been recognized by Thomson Reuters as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher (2010, 2015). He is co-inventor on eight U.S. patents and has several patents pending. He currently advises two Ph.D. students; twelve Ph.D. degrees, thirteen M.S. degrees, and one B.S. honors degree have been earned under his supervision. All of these research efforts have been supported in part by over $14M in funding, with Laneman serving as principal investigator on just over $5M.