This year's exhibitors include:
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world's premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, electronics and communications. Information about Agilent is available on the Web at
Booth #14

Battelle is the world’s largest independent research and development organization, providing innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing needs through its four global businesses: Laboratory Management, National Security, Energy, Environment and Material Sciences, and Health and Life Sciences. It advances scientific discovery and application by conducting $6.5 billion in global R&D annually through contract research, laboratory management and technology commercialization. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Battelle oversees 22,000 employees in more than 130 cities worldwide, including seven national laboratories that Battelle manages or co-manages for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and one international nuclear laboratory in the United Kingdom.
Battelle is one of the nation’s leading charitable trusts focusing on societal and economic impact and actively supporting and promoting science and math education.
Experts in optical networking at Battelle have been among global leaders in fiber-optic advancements for telecommunications. Battelle developed high data rate wireless communications systems operating at millimeter-wave frequencies near 100 GHz. The systems use photonic components to generate and modulate the millimeter-wave carrier, overcoming limitations with all-RF approaches. These systems offer a minimal-latency data transmission rate that is 10 times that of conventional wireless links and work seamlessly with 10G Ethernet switching systems.
Battelle is co-developing with a DOD laboratory an innovative RF-to-Air interface that offers up to five octaves of frequency coverage and up to twenty-five dB more gain than conventional approaches. This interface is ideal for cognitive radio applications.
Booth #20

BEEcube is a computer hardware and software firm that specializes in configurable technology applied to the most demanding computing applications. BEEcube is at the forefront of technology innovation within the Telecommunications and Military Communications markets and is a leading supplier of advanced system-level reconfigurable platforms, with wireless applications such as LTE-Advanced, MIMO WiFi, microwave backhaul links, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Synthetic Aperture Radar, Phased Array Radar, and Software Defined Networking (SDN).
BEEcube delivers end-to-end commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems with all of the hardware, firmware and software components required for high performance processing applications.
BEEcube's products are built around Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) microchips. BEEcube’s products present a large number of high-speed interfaces from standards relevant to a wide range of networking and computing applications. The large capacity of BEEcube’s systems and their high-speed interfaces allow for real time prototyping as well as deployable systems.
BEEcube’s unrivalled expertise in high performance FPGA computing provides customers with excellent service and support for our easy to use platforms. BEEcube's library of optimized Intellectual Property (IP) cores, intuitive development environment and customizable software development tools ensure that customers are able to get applications up and running quicker than with other alternatives.
Founded in 2006, BEEcube has shipped 300+ systems to over 100 commercial, defense and academic customers.
Booth #12

Coherent Logix is the world leader of the lowest power, high performance, C-programmable processors for the embedded systems market. Coherent Logix's comprehensive solutions portfolio includes processors, integrated system development tools, optimized libraries, system reference designs, and a customizable system development platform to reduce development complexity and time-to-market. These solutions are designed to support a wide variety of industries, including automotive, broadcast, computer, consumer, industrial, medical, military, test and measurement, wireless, and wireline.
Booth #22
DataSoft develops, markets, and supports a range of SDR products for defense, transportation, telecom, and satellite markets. Our products inlcude SCA and non-SCA development platforms, test automation tools, Android apps, network security tools, and waveform porting tools.
Booth #26

DRS Technologies, Inc. headquartered in Arlington, VA, is a leading supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces, homeland defenders, intelligence agencies and prime contractors worldwide. Focused on defense technology, the company develops, manufactures and supports a broad range of systems for mission critical military sustainment and homeland security requirements.
DRS Signal Solutions, Inc. located in Gaithersburg, MD, is the world leader in high-performance Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) tuners and receivers covering frequency ranges from HF through SHR (40GHS), data recording and collection, software-definable radios and geo-convergence systems. The company has served the Intelligence Community for more than 50 years, with cutting-edge Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) reduction, world-class microwave technology and tools to search, intercept, analyze and record signals.
Booth #15

Epiq Solutions designs and builds state-of-the-art low power reconfigurable radio systems for mission critical applications. With expertise spanning RF system design to physical layer signal processing and higher layer protocol processing, Epiq Solutions provides engineering development services for customers requiring specialized signal processing hardware and software. In addition, Epiq Solutions continues to grow its Bitshark family of flexible radio platforms. These radios dramatically lower the barrier for building a software-defined radio system, while providing high performance, an easy-to-use interface, and a small form factor.
Booth #6

Etherstack is a wireless technology company specialising in waveforms, software defined radio, wide area IP soft-switched core networks and cryptographic products. Etherstack software is used on fielded radio equipment around the world. As an engineering company, Etherstack works closely with clients to achieve technical excellence and reduce risk, cost and time to market.
Ettus Research specializes in low cost, high quality software defined radio (SDR) systems. Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) systems all over the world enable users to address a broad range of research, academic, industrial, and defense applications. The USRP platform is designed to address applications that require RF modulations in frequencies up to 6GHz with wide bandwidths and MIMO setups. A few example application areas include white spaces, mobile phones, public safety radio, land mobiles, broadcast TV, FM radio, satellite navigation, and amateur radio bands.
Booth #8

Green Hills Software, Inc. is the largest independent vendor of embedded development solutions. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178B RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by the NSA to EAL6+ High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Based on the royalty-free INTEGRITY RTOS, Green Hills Platform for Software Defined Radio delivers a complete, standards-based reference platform for developing and deploying SDR systems ranging from the armed forces Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) to public safety radios as well as commercial small form-factor reconfigurable radios. Our Platform for SDR includes multiple SCA OE solutions that are compliant with the latest POSIX and SCA standards. The Platform for SDR also provides integrated, host-based tools for every aspect of development, debugging, optimization, and deployment as well as a variety of integrated hardware platforms. Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA with European headquarters in the United Kingdom.
Booth #5
Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets in more than 150 countries. Headquartered in Melbourne, Florida, the company has approximately $6 billion of annual revenue and more than 16,000 employees including nearly 7,000 engineers and scientists. Harris is dedicated to developing best-in-class assured communications® products, systems, and services.
Booth #23

NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, is one of ten NASA centers. Glenn is an essential component of NASA and an integral contributor to the region. Located near Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Glenn's main campus, Lewis Field, is situated on 350 acres of land and contains more than 150 buildings. The world-class facilities at Lewis Field include wind tunnels, drop towers, vacuum chambers and an aircraft hangar. Glenn's Plum Brook Station is located 50 miles west of Cleveland in Sandusky, Ohio, on 6,400 acres of land. Plum Brook Station has large, unique facilities that simulate the environment of space. Both locations enable NASA, other governmental agencies, and academic and industry partners from across the country to perform specialized research and testing.
Booths #9 and #10

National Instruments delivers fast, flexible, and accurate RF hardware powered by LabVIEW software to meet the evolving demands of the wireless industry and see the engineering process through from design to validation to production. Virtual instrumentation from NI helps engineers keep pace with the constantly growing number of standards by delivering tools for signal generation, analysis, visualization, and processing of standard and custom digital and analog modulation formats. Tailored software for standards ranging from WLAN and GPS to WiMAX deliver powerful and cost-reducing wireless test systems that engineers have come to rely on.
Booth #7

Objective Interface Systems provides real-time connectivity software development tools to meet the high-performance needs for worldwide telecommunications, data communications, industrial automation, consumer electronics, military, and aerospace markets. Objective Interface offers advanced communications infrastructures with ORBexpress®RT, ORBexpress DSP, ORBexpress FPGA and PCSexpress™. ORBexpress, the middleware foundation for the industry's first certified JTRS software-defined radio, is used successfully in virtually every major SDR program worldwide. PCSexpress is the industry's first high-assurance secure communications middleware for software-defined radio.
Booth #25

Pentek offers powerful VME, VXS, PMC, XMC, PCI and cPCI commercial and rugged board and system solutions. Pentek’s data acquisition, software radio and digital signal processing products utilize TI’s C6000 DSPs, Motorola’s G4 PowerPC and Xilinx FPGAs. Pentek’s I/O includes A/D’s, D/A’s, Digital Receivers and more. Pentek equips products with high-speed interfaces including Serial RapidIO and Fibre Channel and offers strong FPGA, I/O and DSP software support.
Booth #24
PrismTech is a leading provider of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Software Communications Architecture (SCA) solutions. Our Spectra product suite provides Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) development tools, software infrastructure and development and test platforms. Spectra includes:
* Spectra CX - a model-driven development tool that greatly simplifies, accelerates, and validates the SDR/SCA development process.
* Spectra CF - a high performance, ultra low footprint, COTS SCA Core Framework.
* Spectra CDB - a fully integrated and optimized SDR middleware stack running across a wide range of FPGA, DSP and GPP elements.
* Spectra DTP - a wideband, high performance, baseband and Radio Frequency (RF) SDR Development and Test platform.
Booth #27

Privately owned and in business since 1990, Reservoir Labs specializes in advanced compiler, network, and reasoning technologies with an emphasis on mapping innovative algorithms to emerging high-performance and embedded architectures. We provide custom solutions, innovative technology products, and leading-edge consulting and advanced research and development services to our government and commercial clients.
Booth #2

As a manufacturer of test and measurement equipment and secure military radios for airborne, shipborne, and ground operation, Rohde & Schwarz has the combined expertise to meet any test challenge, from legacy communications through to the latest SDR designs. Our equipment is used for testing ADC/DAC, local oscillators, power amplifiers, transmitters/receivers, and antenna subsystems. Rohde & Schwarz is a leader in test solutions for OFDM and MIMO technologies, and has broad expertise in all of the latest commercial communications standards.
Booth #11
SAIC is a FORTUNE 500® scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy & environment, health and cybersecurity. The company's approximately 40,000 employees serve customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of approximately $10.6 billion for its fiscal year ended January 31, 2012. For more information, visit SAIC: From Science to Solutions®
Booth #13

Space Coast Communications Systems, Inc. has been a leader in SCA-based software radios for almost 10 years. We have participated in several large- and small-scale JTRS-related development projects and continue to be amazed by how many programs are impeded—rather than enabled—by their development environments.
SOAR (SCA Open Architecture Radio) is more than just a software development environment. It is a complete baseband-to-RF software radio packaged as a 19-inch rack mount PC with associated RF and baseband equipment.
Please stop By Booth #28 and enjoy a demonstration of the 8-channel SOAR software radio
Booth #28

One of the largest university wireless research groups in the United States, Wireless @ Virginia Tech encompasses several centers and groups, including the world renowned Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group (MPRG), Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT), and Virginia Tech Antenna Group (VTAG). The research group brings more than 25 faculty members whose technical expertise ranges from communications to networks, and more than 100 graduate students focused on wireless. While expertise lies deep within electrical engineering, such as antenna design, wireless networking, communication systems, micro-electronics, RF electronics, and system integration, disciplines outside of electrical engineering such as computer science, mathematics, economics, and business also make up the Wireless @ Virginia Tech team.
Booth #29