SDR Platforms WorkshopThursday, 17 March 2016
Software-defined radio hardware and software for teaching, research, experimentation, development, and deployment are becoming ubiquitous, inexpensive, and increasingly powerful. The possibilities opened up by these systems are almost limitless, ranging from $50 end-to-end systems that can track aircraft and ships in real time, to highly complex systems that can develop and model spectrum sharing scenarios between virtually any types of radio systems across hundreds of MHz of bandwidth. In addition, developments in software-defined radio are also developments in signal processing that has far-reaching applications many areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The purpose of this session is to provide an introduction to the vast array of hardware and software that is available today, the R&D opportunities they open up, and where these systems are heading in the future. We will also discuss the need for professionals with SDR hardware and software skills to support the growing importance of wireless systems. The session will be kicked off by two giants in the field -- Matt Ettus, creator of the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and founder of Ettus Research, and Dr. Tom Rondeau, leader of the GNU Radio project and creator of the highly successful GNU Radio Conference. Speakers include: Session 1, Thursday, 17 March, 10:30
Session 2, Thursday, 17 March, 14:00
Panel Session, Thursday, 17 March, 16:00