2014 Exhibitors include:
Featured: Wireless Innovation Forum Technology of the Year Award Finalist Global Sensor Network
David Haley (University of South Australia, Australia); Linda M. Davis (University of South Australia, Australia); André Pollok (University of South Australia, Australia); Ying Chen (University of South Australia, Australia); Gottfried Lechner (University of South Australia, Australia); Marc Lavenant (University of South Australia, Australia); Adrian Barbulescu (University of South Australia, Australia); John Buetefuer (University of South Australia, Australia); William G Cowley (University of South Australia, Australia); Alex Grant (University of South Australia, Australia); Terry Kemp (University of South Australia, Australia); Ingmar Land (University of South Australia, Australia); Rick Luppino (University of South Australia, Australia); Robby G. McKilliam (University of South Australia, Australia); Hidayat Soetiyono (University of South Australia, Australia)
The Institute for Telecommunications Research has led a consortium to develop a Global Sensor Network architecture for remote sensor data gathering and communication. The research has focused on a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) micro-satellite system, with support from the Australian federal government's Australian Space Research Program. We have explored the use of software defined radio (SDR) technology for the space segment, ground station and terminals. We have developed novel techniques for highly efficient one and two-way data communication with large numbers of remotely located sensors and devices. The system includes new architectures and waveform designs and makes innovative use of SDR. The end result is a cost effective, scalable and flexible system that is able to support very large numbers of users while requiring only a small amount of radio bandwidth.
Booth 11
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world's premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, electronics and communications. Information about Agilent is available on the Web at www.agilent.com.
Booths 13 and 14

Critical RF, Inc.
Critical RF, Inc. is a manufacturer of RF infrastructure and subsciber equipment including our SDR based cellular & mobile broadband base station portfolio, packet switched mobile backhaul converters, and fixed + man portable subscriber terminals for enterprise, government, & military
Booth 12

Ettus Research specializes in low cost, high quality software defined radio (SDR) systems. Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) systems all over the world enable users to address a broad range of research, academic, industrial, and defense applications. The USRP platform is designed to address applications that require RF modulations in frequencies up to 6GHz with wide bandwidths and MIMO setups. A few example application areas include white spaces, mobile phones, public safety radio, land mobiles, broadcast TV, FM radio, satellite navigation, and amateur radio bands.
Booth 10

NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, is one of ten NASA centers. Glenn is an essential component of NASA and an integral contributor to the region. Located near Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Glenn's main campus, Lewis Field, is situated on 350 acres of land and contains more than 150 buildings. The world-class facilities at Lewis Field include wind tunnels, drop towers, vacuum chambers and an aircraft hangar. Glenn's Plum Brook Station is located 50 miles west of Cleveland in Sandusky, Ohio, on 6,400 acres of land. Plum Brook Station has large, unique facilities that simulate the environment of space. Both locations enable NASA, other governmental agencies, and academic and industry partners from across the country to perform specialized research and testing.
Also featured as Wireless Innovation Forum Technology of the Year Award Finalist.
Booths 2 and 3

NordiaSoft offers products and services for customers that need to create state of the art software-defined platforms for use in the military/aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, instrumentation, transportation and consumer electronics industries.
Booth 6

For developers focused on signal processing in areas including Mil/Aero, Wireless, Life Sciences, and High Energy Physics, Nutaq accelerates the design, testing & deployment of innovative ideas. Our hardware solutions are designed to optimize programmability, processing power, flexibility & cost, while our model-based design and open source software environment mean projects are delivered with reduced development cycles and lower costs.
Booth 8
Exhibitor Materials: Nutaq SDR Comparison Chart http://nutaq.com/en/sdr-comparison-chart Nutaq Blogs http://www.nutaq.com/en/blogs

Objective Interface Systems provides real-time connectivity software development tools to meet the high-performance needs for worldwide telecommunications, data communications, industrial automation, consumer electronics, military, and aerospace markets. Objective Interface offers advanced communications infrastructures with ORBexpress®RT, ORBexpress DSP, ORBexpress FPGA and PCSexpress™. ORBexpress, the middleware foundation for the industry's first certified JTRS software-defined radio, is used successfully in virtually every major SDR program worldwide. PCSexpress is the industry's first high-assurance secure communications middleware for software-defined radio.
Booth 5

Pentek offers powerful VME, VXS, PMC, XMC, PCI and cPCI commercial and rugged board and system solutions. Pentek’s data acquisition, software radio and digital signal processing products utilize TI’s C6000 DSPs, Motorola’s G4 PowerPC and Xilinx FPGAs. Pentek’s I/O includes A/D’s, D/A’s, Digital Receivers and more. Pentek equips products with high-speed interfaces including Serial RapidIO and Fibre Channel and offers strong FPGA, I/O and DSP software support.
Booth 4

PrismTech is a leading provider of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Software Communications Architecture (SCA) solutions. Our Spectra product suite provides Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) development tools, software infrastructure and development and test platforms. Spectra includes:
* Spectra CX - a model-driven development tool that greatly simplifies, accelerates, and validates the SDR/SCA development process.
* Spectra CF - a high performance, ultra low footprint, COTS SCA Core Framework.
* Spectra CDB - a fully integrated and optimized SDR middleware stack running across a wide range of FPGA, DSP and GPP elements.
* Spectra DTP - a wideband, high performance, baseband and Radio Frequency (RF) SDR Development and Test platform.
Booth 9

Privately owned and in business since 1990, Reservoir Labs specializes in advanced compiler, network, and reasoning technologies with an emphasis on mapping innovative algorithms to emerging high-performance and embedded architectures. We provide custom solutions, innovative technology products, and leading-edge consulting and advanced research and development services to our government and commercial clients.
Booth 7

Demo: Building Radios the [GR]Easy Way
An enhanced GNU Radio flow is presented that seamlessly augments the standard GNU Radio framework with modules that reside in FPGAs, yet preserves the GNU Radio dynamics by providing full-custom radio hardware/software structures in seconds. By delegating portions of a GNU Radio flow graph to networked FPGAs, a larger class of software-defined radios can be implemented. Assembly of the signal processing structures within the FPGAs is accomplished using an enhanced flow where modules are customized, placed, and routed in seconds. With rapid FPGA assembly, a GNU Radio designer retains the ability to perform “what-if” experiments, which in turn greatly enhances productivity.
Booth 1

Top Ten Wanted Wireless Innovations - In 2010, The Wireless Innovation Forum initiated an ongoing project to identify major innovations that would be required to create the foundation of the next generation of wireless devices. These innovations, either technical, business or regulatory, if realized, would address various shortcomings in existing wireless communications from the point of view of the different stakeholders in the wireless industry value-chain, including users, radio or platform manufacturers, software and hardware component providers, operators and service providers, spectrum regulators. These innovations don’t necessarily need to result in patents or intellectual property, but they would serve to help the community in addressing emerging wireless communications requirements through improved performance of deliverables, reduced total life cost of ownership and the responsive and rapid deployment of standardized families of products, technologies, and services.